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California Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment Lawyers

California has some of the strictest employment laws in the nation, preserving your right to receive fair treatment and equal benefits and protecting you from being exposed to hostile or discriminatory acts in the workplace.

Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment Comes in Many Forms

California law provides some of the strongest workplace protections in the nation but it takes an experienced attorney to help you fight for your rights.

Have you been a victim of quid pro quo sexual harassment at work in a current or past position? If you have experienced harassment related to sexual favors (promotions, raises, positive reviews, continued employment), retaliation, or reprimands, then you may be a victim of quid quo pro sexual harassment and would be protected under federal laws.

The Latin term quid pro quo translates to “something for something.”

Therefore, quid pro quo harassment occurs in the workplace when a manager or other authority figure offers or merely hints that he or she will give the employee something (a raise or a promotion) in return for that employee’s satisfaction of a sexual demand. This also occurs when a manager or other authority figure says he or she will not fire or reprimand an employee in exchange for some type of sexual favor. A job applicant also may be the subject of this kind of harassment if the hiring decision was based on the acceptance or rejection of sexual advances.

Our attorneys are devoted to employee representation for all types of workplace sexual harassment.

Our Approach

Our Practices are Guided by Integrity. We’ll protect what you deserve.

We work tirelessly and fight tenaciously to hold rights abusers accountable.

If you’ve experienced a distressing incident related to an issue like this, call us for a free case evaluation.

Did You Know?

What is Quid Pro Quo Harassment?
In California, employees are protected against quid pro quo harassment, where state laws prohibit any form of workplace harassment where submission to or rejection of sexual advances or requests for sexual favors is used as the basis for employment decisions.
What Are My Rights?
In California, if someone faces quid pro quo sexual harassment at work, they can report it to a state agency or take legal action to get help and possibly compensation.

Is It Illegal, or Just Unfair?

Legal cases can be lengthy, complicated, and confusing, but you don’t have to take on the system all by yourself. If you believe someone has violated your individual rights, or the rights of a large group of people in your community, we can help you find the right course of action.

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